Thursday, July 31, 2008

The McKenna Girls

So as the little one gets bigger I am so enjoying our days together as the McKenna Girls! The two sisters interacting and playing is such a joy to watch. They make each other laugh and it makes me very excited about the future! Today we enjoyed some play time at the park and then came home and introduced Little Bit to some baby toys. Kaleigh was definitely more excited about the "new" (her old toys) than Loganne but it was fun to watch them. Then Pastry Chef Kaleigh baked and decorated some cookies. She is better in that kitchen than her mommy!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Another fun day

Well another fun day for the girls here in RI. Despite the heat today, Kaleigh's activity choice was the park twice! She enjoyed running around and meeting almost everyone there. She was ready to go when she "started to get sweaty". Then our evening meal was cooked by Chef Boombie and Chef Daddy. She was so excited to be cooking. She knew today was the day for pizza and she woke up at 7am saying "Is daddy here because I am ready to make pizza?"! The finished product was pretty tasty!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Choo Choo

Today the McKenna team and the Wilbur family took the Newport Scenic Railroad around the area. Although it was raining and storming quite a bit we still had a great time. It was the perfect activity for the kids and we all enjoyed the 80 minute ride!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Just love this picture and wanted to share it!

Happy Birthday Kaleigh!

So today our girl turned 3 years old. The time sure does fly when you are having fun (or losing your sanity ;) ! ) Anyway our day was jam packed with fun stuff for the big girl. The day began nice and early and filled with surprises. Mommy and Daddy had decorated the house and we had saved all the gifts and cards that people had sent. The big hit for the morning was her new tea set from GGma and GGpa. I believe making tea and "chatting" are her favorite things to do. Then we drove up to Warwick for lunch at Chuck E. Cheese and then we hit up Toys R Us. Both huge successes except that we told Kaleigh she could get any 2 things from the toy store and she left with a Princess table and chairs. No toys and she passed on the second item!?!? Then we chilled home for a bit and allowed the little one to get a good nap and allowed the birthday girl to decorate her cake. She thought the Princess shimmer gels were pretty cool. Then we packed up our sandwiches for dinner and headed to the beach. This was the only activity Kaleigh asked to do all week. Daddy and her even caught the last carousel ride of the day there. Then we walked over to a park on the water and sang, ate cake and celebrated with the Wilbur family. We were able to be there for a beautiful sunset, a perfect way to end a wonderful day. Kaleigh got a bubble bath and then headed for bed. We are not sure if she is exhausted but mommy and daddy know that they are but it's all good because today was all about the best 3 yr old girl! Thank you so much to all those who sent cards and gifts to make this day so special.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Bit Hawk!!!!!!

This is what happens when Mommy lets Daddy do the Bit's Hair......

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Petting Zoo

This morning the girls and I headed over to the Simmons petting zoo for a sing-along. We went with Aunt Jolene and Sean and afterwards we all headed to McDonald's for a quick meal before naps! Easy on the goat's ear there Kaleigh!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Weekend

We had a fun-filled weekend! It start on Saturday going up to the Providence Children's Museum. We were there for almost 2 hours and I think Kaleigh could have stayed for another 2 hours. When we walked in it looked like such a simple place, nothing state-of-the-art but Kaleigh's imagination took over and she had a blast. One of her favorite areas was the ship because she got to sleep in a rack just like her daddy.

Then on Sunday we ventured up to Boston to see Aunt Sara and Uncle Scott before they move to Princeton at the end of the week. We were fortunately joined by Adam Wehrenberg and his fiancee Jeanette and it was really good to see them and discuss their wedding plans. We did some lunch at Quincy market at Cheers and then went to the New England Aquarium. Kaleigh loves sea creatures but I think especially loved her time with her Aunt Sara. Our time at the aquarium was concluded at the IMAX theater where we watched a 3-d movie about dolphins and whales. We had a delicious dinner at Bertucci's and then headed home. Fun days for everyone so today was a low-key day of recovery. Tomorrow the girls and I are headed to the farm for a musical celebration.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED MY WIFE HAS BEEN CONVERTED FROM A SORRY YANKEE'S FAN TO A MAGNIFICENT METS FAN!!!! She'll claim it was because she was "just grabbing something" but with the Met's coming off a 9 game win streak and the Yank's 6 games back and not looking too hot I think she decided to "drop the zero and get with the hero" (5 bucks to the person who can tell me what movie that's from ).
-Team McKenna Team Leader

Loganne tries rice cereal.

Well, today I attempted to feed Loganne rice cereal for the first time with my trusty helper Boom. It didn't go like I had imagined in my head but was still pretty funny. She didn't really seem to enjoy it and was more interested in touching it than eating it. Jen says all that is normal. I was just really happy because this is one of those landmarks I missed with Kaleigh because I was deployed. Anway, here are a few pictures of the event.
-Team McKenna Team Leader

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ahhh home again...

Well our last few days, although great to be back together again, have been a time of adjustment for the littlest! The travel and return home have completely thrown the Bit off her schedule and so we are all quite tired. The hours of screaming at night is getting very old QUICK! Hopefully we will readjust soon and my happy and sleepy baby will return. Not too much else to report as we are all relaxing or cleaning.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


So 2 of our last activities in NY included taking Kaleigh to Beauty and the Beast at a local theater with her 2 grandmothers and then the very next day she saw Cinderella with her best friend, Emily. Emily is a 9-yr old who lives on my parent's block and Kaleigh just adores her. So the pics below are from those days. Our time in NY was so wonderful as it gave mommy a chance to relax and allowed us to be there for all the special events that took place. We are however happy to be home especially since the girls and I were missing daddy and vice versa! I was pleasantly surprised to return home and find a completed honey-do list! Matthew had some fun but put alot of time into cleaning up the backyard and some areas of the house. Thank you Hun! He also built Loganne's new crib so we finally have our bedroom back to ourselves...very exciting! Now we are going to get back into a routine and enjoy our last few months in Newport!

Ashley's Prom and Alex's Graduation

I love these 2 kids and so does Kaleigh! She is very sad her Uncle Goose is away at "Navy School"!


The girls getting ready in their matching outfits
The brothers watching the bride come down the aisleThe best flower girl ever! She did great!
The new couple going to the sweet Mustang
So glam Katie!

The day was so great! If you would like to see the professional pictures check them out at

Monday, July 7, 2008

Still in NY

Well the girls and I are still in NY. Daddy was here for quite a few days but went back to RI today. His 7 hour journey included a car ride, ferry, train, bus ride and a long walk. Not the best way to spend a birthday but I think he had a great weekend enjoying family and especially his girls. Our Annapolis trip was wonderful. Alex was very strong and certainly made us all believe that he is on his way to becoming a very fine Naval officer. It was really nice to be joined by the Provenchers, Achimasis and the Christians. Each couple brought us joy to see especially the newlyweds! We were also able to meet up with some old Navy friends from Florida, the Lautars and meet their 2 beautiful children Grace and Nick! I love that the Navy is pretty small at times! This week will conclude our time here and will include an aquarium trip and 2 Disney plays at the local theater. I promise that on our return I will post pictures from all our fabulous events!

The McKenna Family Manager