Friday, November 27, 2009

Kaleigh's Pre-K Performance

The day before Thanksgiving break here in the Gregory-Portland School District is always Grandparent's Day.  Unfortunately Kaleigh's grandparents live far away and were not able to attend (although I'm sure all of them would have loved to be here) so Mommy went to her very special performance instead and heres a taste of it!

Thanksgiving Week

Kaleigh's Thanksgiving craft!
Roasting marshmellows
Pre-Thanksgiving Campout with Lucas and Amelia

Our Thanksgiving feast with wonderful friends!
All I can say about this week and past few months is that we are SO BLESSED and that the Lord has been so good!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Loganne's fabulous picture of Amelia
Besties at Pizza Hut
The girls dressed to impress!  Love the UGGs on Loganne!
Loganne walking the dog around the house!  Yes this is a pretty regular thing now!

You ever have those days, weeks or months and you know you have been really busy but you can't really think of what kept you so busy????  That has been the McKenna girls the last few weeks.  We have been busy doing lots of fun things but now I can't recall what they were exactly and apparently my camera is no help and I have no pictures to prove all the fun we have been having.  We have received some exciting news though.  We will be celebrating Christmas as the 4 McKennas and then we will be moving to San Diego.  ROAD TRIP (with 2 small children and a very large dog...I'll let you know how that goes.)!!!!  
I just wanted to share some random pictures that were actually taken the last few days!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Houston Zoo on Sunday

So if you have not seen my last post you can read that first to hear about our trip in the right order!  Anyway....Sunday we went to the Houston Zoo and the kids really enjoyed it!

The girls especially enjoyed the animal carousel and the children's zoo that had a petting zoo, a playground and lots of exhibits that incorporated play equipment!
It was such a great trip and was especially special because we did it with such great friends!

Houston on Friday and Saturday

This past weekend the McKenna girls ventured to Houston, TX to check out some of the local activities with our dear friends the Erdners.  The girls did very well on the ride and were so well behaved that I never even got the DVD player out.  Upon arrival we went to the Children's Museum which was super fun!  It had a cute kid city, water fun, tunnels and towers and was a perfect first place on our vacation!
The next day after "living in the hotel" for one night we went to the Johnson Space Center.  It was very interesting and allowed for a once in a lifetime opportunity.  We were actually allowed to view an operating Mission Control room so Kaleigh was able to see an astronaut that was on the International Space Station.  This was also the roughest part of our vacation b/c Loganne had a 2 hour meltdown during the tour!  I apologize to everyone on the NASA 10:40 tram ride this past Saturday but after a good nap she bounced back.
After some sleep we headed down to the pool to dip our feet (well the girls on the trip dipped their feet but Lucas decided nothing was keeping him from swimming)!

Then we made the 25 minute drive to Galveston Island to eat at the Rainforest Cafe and enjoy the beach at night.  It was a really fun night and the fresh air certainly helped with a smooth transition to night night time!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Staycation

This past weekend the girls and I ventured to North Padre Island for an overnight trip at a hotel.  This was the view of the Gulf of Mexico from our balcony!
Both girls loved the balcony and spent a good deal of time there listening to the waves and watching the moth migration!
This is us on the beach late at night enjoying some silliness and our glow sticks!
Too Cute!  Loganne enjoyed the beach and was able to get over the fact that her feet were dirty!
They were so good during the day and played really well with one another.  Kaleigh kept referring to Loganne as "her best friend".
The hotel had a playground near the beach and it was perfect for some outside time without the sand!

Kaleigh enjoyed the arts and crafts we had brought including this paperoni that she made at 5:30 am!
Kaleigh collecting seashells!
It was a really fun staycation but I think we will all be happy to have our own beds back! HAHA!