Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wow it's been awhile!

So I'm sure I am not the only one who is upset that I have not posted since April. Sorry to grandparents, family and friends but I got lazy thanks to facebook and let's be honest Daddy being home! I would like to get back on the blogging horse (if you will) because I really enjoy how it chronicles our lives! The past few months have been extremely enjoyable and filled with wonderful visitors from all over. We saw Aunt Katie, Uncle Goose, Dana and Liam, Grandmere and Grandpa, John Agnelli, the GGs and Mema! So many good times and it kept us all very busy. Matthew's new job here in San Diego has been such a blessing and allows him A LOT of family time! I am still doing my thing at home but now only have 1 child for 6 hours a day since Kaleigh started kindergarten. I know, crazy! She is of course loving it and doing very well. Loganne is liking more mommy one-on-one time and is still as fun and as crazy as ever. The McKennas are well and we hope that y'all are as well!