Friday, September 18, 2009

Watch out Mia!

Kaleigh's 1st soccer practice!

Painting and Soccer

This past week has been crazy for us but we were able to squeeze in some fun activities!  On Wednesday Kaleigh and mommy had some special time at the local art studio.  Kaleigh painted a beautiful mermaid and cannot wait to pick it up this week.  Then after some quick dinner we headed to the soccer field for Kaleigh's first practice.  The quote from the 1/2 hr practice was "I have to stop I'm sweating".  It should be an interesting season!  We did have some fun though and I'm looking forward to watching a bunch of 4 yr olds play a game!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Passed Out

Could she be cuter?  A few minutes in the shower and I came out to an adorable daughter passed out on the couch and protected by her dog!

Navy Friends

Kaleigh, Jocelyn, Ava and Loganne

Their matching shirts say "we go together like milk and cookies"  So cute!

The best thing about being a military family is being able to travel all over and make wonderful friends.  Texas was no exception.  This week we said goodbye or see ya later to the Seward Family.  Ben served with Matthew here and now they are headed to Virginia for family time and shore duty.  We always had so much fun and the girls (both moms and daughters) became very close friends.  We pray that God would continue to bless their family and their next Navy adventure.  They will be missed!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Loganne's New Blankie

So this is a brand new thing.  This has been Loganne's bed blanket for most of her life and now she has decided that she needs to walk around with it and even ride in the car with her "blankie". It's pretty cute but I'm hoping that her new traveling blankie is a phase and doesn't end up going to school with her.

Ride #2

This is Kaleigh's second lesson!  She is doing really well and really enjoys it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Little Cowgirls

Kaleigh ready to ride in all her gear from daddy!
Kaleigh and her new friend, Holly!
Ride 'em cowgirl!
Loganne screaming because she wanted to ride too!
Loganne getting a quick turn!  She loved it!

After a rainy, stormy week here in Texas today Kaleigh finally started horseback riding lessons.  Needless to say she loved it and so did Loganne!  The entire ride there Kaleigh kept singing "With her cowboy boots, She's country!"  It was really cute and she was so excited.  She rode, fed and brushed the horse!  I didn't know that Little Bit would be so into it but she loved getting a chance to ride the horse as well!  Thank you so much Aunt Katie, Uncle David and Liz for the great birthday present!  Along with pictures I also took video!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Another week of school, another week of fashion!


She looks really cute in these outfits and I am so blessed to have a cute child but she really is just as beautiful on the inside!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cleaning Cars

Amongst other activities (most of which mommy forgets the camera) we have been to library time, playgrounds and playdates but today the girls had a blast cleaning!  Cleaning cars that is with Ava and her daddy, Mr. Ben!  Great idea and straight out of the Mary Poppins handbook for making work fun!  Thanks Sewards!