Sunday, December 28, 2008

New Tricks

So recenly both girls have learned new tricks! Loganne is crawling all over the place and Kaleigh is quite a talented bike rider already! Thought we would share some video...

Friday, December 26, 2008


After much preparation Team McKenna had a wonderful Christmas here in Texas! The girls enjoyed the relaxing morning taking their time unwrapping, daddy loved teaching Kaleigh how to ride her new bike and mommy enjoyed the cooking and baking! Some highlight gifts were Kaleigh's vanity, baby room and bike, Loganne's car seat and Santa brought mommy and daddy a new iMac computer! WooHoo! The day ended with the entire family in our bed to read the true Christmas story from the girl's new picture Bible! This holiday season was a true blessing and a joyous time for our family!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve in Sea World

Team McKenna had a wonderful time in San Antonio yesterday celebrating Christmas Eve. We got up early and headed to Sea World for the day and then enjoyed dinner in downtown San Antonio on the Riverwalk. The entire day was truly priceless as both girls were so excited and especially grateful for their surprise. The highlights included the surprising Jesus-centered Shamu show, the Viva Show starring the beluga whales including the new baby, feeding the dolphins and watching the girls play at Shamu's Happy Harbor! What a day! It was topped off in beautiful downtown at the Riverwalk (what a neat city!) at the awesome animal-themed restaurant Rainforest Cafe. Kaleigh loved eating surrounded by elephants, gorillas and jaguars and encountering simulated tropical storms. Daddy also enjoyed our trip to The Alamo. The family history buff read every plaque and appreciated the educational portion of the day. Loganne was the happiest baby all day even without solid naps and Kaleigh was super well-behaved. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of both of them! Then they rode home in matching pjs so they were ready to go to bed so that Santa could arrive! For sure a Christmas Eve to remember (the 200+ pics will help)!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Before you all get with family and friends for the next few days just wanted to wish all our readers, friends and family, a very joyous and blessed Christmas! May the Lord give you peace as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ Our Lord!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Our Dancing Princess

Kaleigh had her 2nd dance recital last night. Really it was just a few holiday dance routines for the families but it was a big deal here in the McKenna home! Kaleigh even had a friend come to see her and her friend brought her flowers for after her performance. I know I'm bias (being mom and all) but I'm pretty sure Kaleigh did awesome and even at 3 shows some great potential for a future career in dance! After a slow start due to and I quote, "I didn't like the first song" she then picked it up and really did every move that her teachers were doing. A fabulous night for all and we are looking forward to an encore in May with costumes and all. The whole thing was captured on tape for anyone who is interested! Here's a sneak peek!

Busy, Busy, Busy....the good kind!

Well the last month has been such a blessing! This holiday season has already been spent with all our wonderful friends in Texas. I have spent much of my time preparing to host holidays, football parties and playgroups! So fun! So here's a quick recap of our last month or so. We hosted Thanksgiving for Matthew's wardrom and it was so much fun. It was great fellowship and good food. We had almost 20 people here and I was able to provide everyone with food and even a hard surface to eat off of! Yeah big house! Then the following week we invited everyone over for the Army/Navy game. GO NAVY!! We had fun but unfortunately Matthew had a work issue and was only here for the last 2 minutes and 53 seconds of the game. Fortunately those friends from the ship who came over didn't mind hanging out with the wife and kids! Then a few days later the girls and I had some of our friends over for brunch and a playgroup. Casseroles, fruit dips and can't beat it! Not too mention our holiday preparations in between all these fun activities. We have shopped, decorated, shipped and are ready for Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hunting Trip

So recently I went on a hunting trip. Our next door neighbor has a hunting lease and took me hog hunting. It was awesome, especially cause I got one. Here are a few pictures from my awesome day. I've decided that I love it and can't wait to go again.