Monday, September 15, 2008


Sorry for the lack of updates but we are now officially moved out of RI. So the girls and I are chillin' in NY with the families while Matthew attends school in VA. The movers we had were awesome and I'm very excited for the easy unpacking I will have to do in Texas. Not too much else to report. I hope I will be able to figure out a way to download our pictures on my parent's computer soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Aunt Katie's Visit

So this past holiday weekend we were once again visited by one of the girls' favorites, Aunt Katie. We were all coming off busy weeks and are headed for even crazier weeks ahead so most of our time together was much needed down time. Did some shopping and some eating out and Katie and I got the chance to take a wonderful sailboat ride on the Narragansett Bay, something I wanted to do before leaving here. The day was perfect for the ride and we learned so much about the area of Newport! All in all a great time had by all. Always great to see Aunt Katie!